Women's Aid Femicide Watch 1996 - 2024
Femicide in Ireland 2012–2023
Kate McGoldrick , SallyAnne Collis , Linda Mulligan
School of Medicine, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland University of Medicine and Health Sciences, Dublin, Ireland
Office of the State Pathologist, Dublin, Ireland
School of Medicine, University College Dublin, Ireland

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Alisic, E., Groot A, Snetselaar H, Stroeken T, van de Putte E (2014) Care for Children after Intimate Partner Homicide. Research and Documentation Centre (WODC). Psychotrauma Centre Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital, University Medical Centre Utrecht
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Alisic, E., Groot A, Snetselaar H, Stroeken T, Hehenkamp, L. and van de Putte E (2017) Children’s perspectives on life and well-being after parental intimate partner homicide. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 8:sup6, 1463796, DOI: 10.1080/20008198.2018.1463796
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Kapardis, A., Baldry, A.C. and Konstantinou, M. (2017) A Qualitative Study of Intimate Partner Femicide and Orphans in Cyprus. Qualitative Sociology Review. 13. 80-99.
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Parker, B., Steeves, R., Anderson, S., & Moran, M. (2004) Uxoricide: A phenomenological study of adult survivors. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 25, 133-145.
Steeves, R.H. and Parker, B. (2007) Adult Perspectives on Growing Up Following Uxoricide. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 22 (10): 1270-1284
Adverse Childhood Experiences: Beyond Signs of Safety; Reimagining the Organisation and Practice of Social Work with Children and Families - Trevor Spratt, John Devaney, John Frederick
Relationships Australia (2015) Examination of children affected by family and domestic violence, Submission to the Human Rights Commission. Available at:
Kaplan, T., Black, D., Hyman, P., & Knox, J. (2001) Outcome of children seen after one parent killed the other. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 6, 9-22.
Alisic, E., Groot, A., Snetselaar, H., & Stroeken, T. (2025). Raising a child bereaved by domestic homicide: caregivers’ experiences. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 16(1).
Study on Familicide & Domestic and Family Violence Death Reviews (Ireland)
Review into the Needs of Families Bereaved by Homicide (UK)
You were Told: A voice for killed women (UK)
Orfani Speciali (Italian)
Personal Accounts
Kathryn Joy was raised by the man who killed their mother. Now they want answers
Jade's Law